I will clarify that these resolutions are not because it is almost 2011, and they are by all means realistic. Although I feel like a partial sell-out for doing this, I'm choosing to look at it as needed adjustments in my life. It just so happens that my trip to Italy and resulting change of perspective fall so close to the New Year. So regardless of the fact that I've completely forgone my rigid anti-resolutions stance, it seems only natural to now list the aforementioned resolutions.
1. As stated in the previous post, I need to calm down. My view on life and school work is that of a constant list of tasks to accomplish and problems to solve. Although I don't feel that this is necessarily a bad thing, I need to re-examine where I place my confidence. At this point my confidence is based almost solely in my academic and professional success, arguably leading me to the point of workaholism, at age 20. This is not healthy. So first and foremost, next semester, I will learn to appreciate all the little things in life. I will not get upset over a B+, rather, I will find value in relationships and experiences.
2. Next semester, and even after, I will take time to absorb things. To not only experience, but to absorb, process, and cherish. I will take TONS of pictures, and meet people everywhere I go. I resolve to go out of my comfort zone, so that upon my return I will actually feel that I learned Italian. And, I will eat whatever I want while in Europe, and not feel guilty.
3. Lastly, I will constantly remind myself of how blessed I am. I will take each and every experience I encounter, and try to adapt a new perspective. I will not just be a tourist, but I will learn and love everywhere I go. I will willingly stray from the beaten path, and take the road less traveled by.
Eagle Rock Reservation, Montclair, NJ |